About us

Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) is a leading grass roots organization which seeks to obtain the pleasure of God through submitting to Him and His commands. ICNA has many projects, programs, and services which helps an individual to build his character and personality so as to build a society based on morality and God-consciousness.
Goals and objectives

To enhance understanding of Islam, clear misconceptions people have about Islam, encourage dialogue, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding
To offer educational and training opportunities to enhance character, develop skills and shape personalities so as to contribute to a healthy and productive society
To oppose immorality and oppression in all forms, and support efforts for civil liberties and socio-economic justice in the society
To strengthen the bond of humanity by serving all those in need anywhere in the world, with special focus on our neighborhood across North America
To cooperate with and support other organizations for the implementation of this program

Core principles

We are committed to bring man closer to God, his Creator and Sustainer and thus, to build stronger communities based on common ties
We strongly believe that all people are created equal and when given the tools, will thrive and bring about change in their own lives and lives of their communities
We dedicate ourselves to serve humanity and to address the basic human and social service needs of the underserved communities within the United States
We believe that the active practice of Islam strengthens the social and religious fabric of our nation
We condemn all acts of violence against civilians by any individual, group or state
We advocate dialogue between faith communities both in America and worldwide
We support equal and complementary rights and responsibilities for men and women

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